ICVRMR2020 (International Conference on Virtual and Mixed
Reality Interfaces 2020)
We cordially invite all academicians and practitioners in the related field on engineering and computing focusing on Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Interfaces, to take part in this virtual conference.

ICVRMR2020 (International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality Interfaces 2020)
This virtual conference invites papers from various fields in engineering and technology and computing fields focusing on Virtual and Augmented/Mixed Reality Interfaces. All papers will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to the conference. Please use this template for submitting your full paper
Our proceedings are indexed in Scopus, as well as EI Compendex and Inspec. One important point to note, this publication is covered by SCI-SJR since 2019 (but it is not yet assigned quartile).

Covering topics including, but not limited to:
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Animation
- Motion Control
- Motion Capture and Retargeting
- Path Planning
- Physics-based Animation
- Behavioural Animation
- Social Agents and Avatars
- Emotion and Personality
- Virtual Humans
- Autonomous Actors
- Al-based Animation
- Social and Conversational Agents
- Inter-Agent Communication
- Social Behaviour
- Crowd Simulation
- Understanding Human Activity
- Memory and Long-term Interaction, etc.
- Fundamental algorithms for computer graphics and computer vision
- Model representation and simplification
- Parametric curves and surfaces
- Illumination techniques
- Colours and colour systems
- 3D scene reconstruction
- Image Acquisition and Display
- Imaging sensors and acquisition systems
- Sampling, scanning and quantization
- Colour reproduction
- Evaluation of Image quality
- Image and Video Analysis
- Feature extraction – colour, texture and shape
- High-level semantics
- Pattern recognition and classification
- Motion analysis and object tracking
- Object, event and scene recognition
- Nonlinear Signal Processing
- Signal processing for life sciences data
- Non-verbal interfaces
- Speech and natural language interfaces
- Edutainment
- Interaction through wireless communication networks
- Interfaces for distributed environments
- Multimedia design
- Home and entertainment systems
- Intelligent and agent systems
- Interaction design
- Animation Compression and Transmission
- Acquisition and Reconstruction of Animation Data
- Level of Details Artificial Life
- Facial Animation
- Image-based Animation
- Semantic Representation of Motion and Animation
- Cultural Heritage
- Islamic Interactive Media
- Interactive for Virtual humans
- 3D Telepresence
- 3D Reconstruction Method
- Scientific and Technical visualization
- Information visualization
- Mobile graphics and vision systems
- Industrial application of computer graphics and visual
- Medical Visualization
- Sound Synthesis
- Image and Speech Processing
- Speech and music processing
- Smart grid applications
- Digital Lifestyle
- Creative Content
- Software Engineering for Multimedia
- Human Computer Interaction
- Other related topics on applied computing in Virtual and Augmented/Mixed Reality Interfaces and/or related domains (Engineering / Scaled-model/ Oil and Gas/ Smart Education/ Computing/Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics/ Visualization/Image Processing etc.)

UTM Vicubelab Research Group brings this virtual conference to provide the opportunities for academicians, professionals, practitioners and policy makers in the engineering and computing fields to share their thoughts and empirical works on Virtual Reality and Augmented/Mixed Reality inline with the rise of new industrial digital technology.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation all around the globe, we have organized this conference into Virtual Conference and the method is VIRTUAL PRESENTATION for all International and local participants.
Our proceedings are indexed in Scopus, as well as EI Compendex and Inspec. One important point to note, is that you will find our publication is listing in SCI, SJR since 2019 (but it is not yet assigned quartile).
Full Paper Submission | 30 September 2020 |
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance | 10 October 2020 |
Camera Ready Full paper | 20 October 2020 |
Early Bird Registration | 15 October 2020 |
Registration Deadline | 25 October 2020 |

The payment should be done in either Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) or US Dollar (USD). Participants are advised to register before 15th October 2020 (Malaysian time: GMT+8) to receive an early registration discount. If the length of the paper exceeds 12 pages, the cost of each extra page (begin at Page 13) is 25 USD or RM100.
Early-bird | Normal | |
Local /International | RM 800 / USD200 | RM 1000 / USD250 |

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Registration Fee & Payment
Author will entitle:
- Attendance to all technical sessions and keynote speeches
- One virtual oral presentation session
- One Scopus index proceeding (fulfill the paper requirement)
Payment may be made via bank transfer to : DEBUG TRADING
After payment, kindly send the proof of payment here

Please take note that, there is a maximum limit of 12 pages for each manuscript, including all figures, tables, and references. There is an extra charges for the pages more than 12 pages. If the length of the paper exceeds 12 pages, the cost of each extra page (begin at Page 13) is 25 USD or RM100.
- Prepare your manuscript in MS Word (in *.docx format).
- Template of the full paper format in MS Word can be downloaded here A4 format
- Maximum number of pages is 12 pages including figures, tables, & references| Guideline
- Upload manuscript in EASYCHAIR online submission system (New registration required prior to new user New User Link)
- Wait for responses from reviewers and correct your manuscript
- Submit the revised version in EASYCHAIR and confirm your registration form
- Kindly make a payment and upload your proof of payment here

ICVRMR2020 (International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality Interfaces 2020)
This virtual conference invites papers from various fields in engineering and technology and computing fields focusing on Virtual and Augmented/Mixed Reality Interfaces. All papers will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to the conference. We seek original research full papers covering these topics including, but not limited to:-
- Modeling and Simulation
- Data Visualization
- Rendering and 3D Reconstruction
- Artificial Intelligence and Agent Systems
- Multimedia Systems
- Human Computer Interaction
- Motion Capture and Telepresence
- Image and Speech Processing’
- Other related topics on applied computing in Virtual and Augmented/Mixed Reality Interfaces and/or related domains (Engineering / Computing/Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics/ Visualization/Image Processing etc.)
Call For Reviewer
We would also like to invite you as a reviewer to help uphold the quality of submissions. If you are interested, please register in the following link. Electronic Certificate of Appreciation will be provided to all reviewers.

Contact Us
For more inquiries, please email us to:
Email: vicubelab@utm.my
Template Download
The format for full paper camera ready can be downloaded here
Broshure and CFP
Here our Call for Paper and broshure for your information
Registration Form
Fill out the registration form to vicubelab@utm.my to confirm your attendance and presentation turns
Guideline for Author
Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper
Accepted Paper
All accepted papers will be also published will be published indexed by Scopus.
Payment Confirmation
The payment should be done in either Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) or US Dollar (USD). Participants are advised to register before 15th October 2020
Keynote Speaker 1
Augmented Reality
Keynote Speaker 2
Image Processing
Keynote Speaker 3
Computer Graphics
All accepted papers will indexed by Scopus.

Manuscript Guidelines
Manuscript Word Template
Download File
Registration Form
Our proceedings are indexed in Scopus, as well as EI Compendex and Inspec. One important point to note, is that this publication is not covered by SCI (proceedings journals are not indexed in SCI, they are indexed within a separate database, the CPC-I); this means our proceedings journals are not issued with an Impact Factor.