Applying for your Master in UTM? We are looking the position below:
Name position: Master Research Students
Requirement: Able to work independently, keen to learn new thing, critical thinker, knowledgeable in java programming is an advantage.
Supervisor Name: Dr. Md Sah Hj Salam (
Calling for Postgraduate Student (PhD/Master by research)!
Applying for your PhD/Master in Augmented Reality (AR), here at UTM?
Currently we are looking into AR research with the following title:
Improved device-based 3D interaction technique with phonetical selection control structure in handheld mobile Augmented Reality
If interested, please contact (Ts. Dr. Goh Eg Su), and submit by email your research proposal to Find the proposal guideline here (PROPOSAL-GUIDELINES.pdf).
Scholarship under RSG – Research Student Grants
- Local student only (Malaysian)
- Monthly payment – appointment renew every semester (Mac-Ogos, Sep-Feb)
- Need to be appointed by Project Leader
- Syarat perlantikan RSG :
1. Mahasiswa Sarjana secara penyelidikan / PhD berdaftar sepenuh masa sebagai mahasiswa Pasca Ijazah dalam program yang diluluskan oleh UTM
2. Tempoh perlantikan mestilah tidak melebihi 4 Semester (Master) dan 6 Semester bagi (PhD)
3. Lantikan adalah berdasarkan tempoh semester aktif dan program pengajian sedang berjalan (Mac-Ogos, Sep-Feb).
4. Penyelia kepada mahasiswa yang dilantik merupakan Ketua Projek atau ahli penyelidik vot projek tersebut
5. Projek penyelidikan masih aktif
6. Mematuhi garis panduan penaja dan UTM
Contact available or active Project Leader:
- Dr Ajune (ajune@utm)
- Dr Md Sah (
- Dr Goh (

If you want to ask anything: Please drop an email to