Mixed and Virtual Environment Research Lab (mivielab)

Research lab subset to Vicubelab that is focusing in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Computer Graphics, Virtual Environment, Virtual Reality, Augmented/Mix Reality, Game Programming, Visibility Algorithm, Atmospheric Modelling & Rendering, Real-time Rendering, Games Programming, Image Processing

  • Spatial and collaborative AR interfaces for small wearable computers/Mobile. These interfaces address the idea of what is possible when you merge ubiquitous computing and communications on the body.
  • AR Interaction Shared Space – An interface that demonstrates how augmented reality, the overlaying of virtual objects on the real world, can radically enhance face-face and remote collaboration.
  • Multimodal Interaction – Combining natural language and artificial intelligence techniques to allow human computer interaction with an intuitive mix of voice, gesture, speech, gaze and body motion.

Postgradute (MSc/PhD) Apply : Submit your proposal to email ajune@utm.my

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